I had a great day in NY City yesterday.
I started out with the 1 hour train ride from Farmingdale on LIRR. I had all my spots to visit marked on my map and when I arrived, Bill and I seperated after we got our subway tickets. I headed by foot to the "Garment District" I wasn't impressed, but didn't expect to be. I got an interesting button and some ribbon at MJ Trimmings.

I headed on to Times Square and had a bagel. I also went to Virgin Records and got the new lamb album "Best Kept Secrets" best of from 1996-2004.
I went down to Soho and found Purl Soho. It was a very tiny knitting shop, but it was worth seeing. I only bought a stitch holder there.

I picked up running shoes at Eilene's basement.
Urban Outfitters helped me find the Manhattan Portage bag store I wanted to find when I visited in 1999. That really made my day.
Toward the next stop - Knit NY, I spent an hour or 2 knitting my sock. Also, Debbie Stoller strolled in (I swear it was her) with her parents. I wanted to snag a photo, but she kept looking my way, maybe because I was knitting the socks from her book!

Really cool t-shirt, great AC - I especially enjoyed my time here.
Midtown to The Yarn Co. and got buzzed in to come upstairs.Very busy small shop. The staff didn't have time to help you, I did get the beautiful Manos I've been wanting. I wish I had time to go to Smiley's Yarns instead, but I'll come back someday!
South to Brooklyn Bridge.
Met Bill for dinner at Lombardi's in Little Italy. Supposedly the best pizza in the world, but it was the same as the wonderful pizza I had in Northern Italy.
I was excited to see a billboard for the TV show "America's Next Top Model" I wanted to make a bet who would win, but it's hard to tell.

Walked to Washington Square and sat on the steps in the dark with everyone else. I knit while he went to Virgin Records.
Sunday we came out of Penn Station and were moved through crowd control. I ended up wandering into the Bush Protest, it was very impressive and exciting. I am glad people are taking a stand against the Republicans Exploiting 9-11.

I wandered around Greenwich Village and found 2 pair of shoes for $40. I saved like $125! They are cute!!
Went down to the World Trade Center Site. It was hard to imagine how such an explosion occurred here. The sidewalks were clean and new and the surrounding buildings had fresh clean glass. The hole looked like a typical construction site. It was annoying to see some people selling photo books from 9-11 entitled "Tragedy." I think we've all seen enough photos.
Finally I went to Columbus Circle - the SW corner of Central Park - saw Trump Tower and chilled out in the AC'd mall.
On the train ride back home (to hotel), I finished my sock. Now I just have a ton of ends to weave in!