Monday, January 18, 2010

Today Hanna and I are making bread rolls with pumpkin, pumpkin bread, and sweet potato soup. Notice an ornage theme? She is making sure I follow the recipes from her observation post. This works great for her being awake, but not in the mood to be left under the toy gym, or in the swing.

This weekend I started getting her to nap in the swing. I am trying to respond lightning quick to her sleepy, time for nap signs. Like when she rubs her eyes. It's been less common that she takes a nap w/o fussing quite a bit first. It's been a while since we've been on a stroller ride too. Its been raining so much! I see the sun out there now, so maybe the next nap is via stroller. I need stuff from the store anyway for the soup. I love that we live in a walkable distance to a great indoor shopping area.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hanna is 3-months today! And.. it's really getting easier. She's slept for long stretches at night 7-11 hours and so my quality of life is vastly improved with the removal of sleep deprivation.

I've also become a coffee drinker. Well, a picky one. I love a big almond mocha latte. We use a FrancisFrancis! espresso maker with pods from Starbucks.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Here are hanna's 3-month photos

Created with flickr slideshow.